Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Some Thoughts on Web Design for Small Businesses

Web Design in a Nutshell, 3rd Edition

Web is a totally different form of media. Your website design needs to provide information to people, that’s what websites do. If your website does not provide information to people than consider it a failure. Review the contents of your website and ask yourself is there anything I can add to provide more information about the business on the website. If there is something then add it on your website.

Search Engines love content, so make sure your website is regularly updated with fresh content. Your content should be keyword rich. Keywords are the words or phrases people might use on search engines to find information.

You should make it easier for your visitors to bookmark and share your website on their social networks. A social media enabled website has widgets that enable a visitor to share the content on their social networks.

To make your website more popular it is important that you take full advantage of the opportunities that social media provides to marketers and small businesses. Make profiles for your business on a selective few social media websites and actively socialize with your existing and potential customers and groups that are relevant to your business.

Following these simples tips you can easily make your website a successful website. It is not necessary to have millions of page views. As a small business if you get enough business from your website and it is mentioned on online communities with positive comments then you should consider your website a hit among web users.

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