Saturday, September 25, 2010

Template Vs. Unique Logo Design

It must be very tempting for you to browse the web in search of an affordable logo design service and find websites that offer do-it-yourself logo design services for as low as $10. The price is unbelievable and the website that sell such logos look very professional and reliable. But the question is how good are these logo designs?

To find that out we need to understand how these people offer logo design at such low prices. When you sign up for their service they offer you a web based interface where you choose fonts for your logo and see a preview of it. You are given a list of background images to choose from. Then you are provided with a gallery of clipart that you can use on your logo. Once you have selected all this they send you your logo design via download or email.

The purpose of a logo design is to build a unique identity for your business or product. It is considered an essential marketing tool. But if you use such a web service to create your logo design there is a huge chance that your logo will not be unique. There would be many other people using the same clip art that you have used, the same background images, color scheme and the same fonts.

This kills the entire purpose of getting a logo design for your business and makes these logo almost useless for you. So the best option for a small business is to spend a little more money and instead of wasting time on such services they should hire a professional logo design company to handle their logo.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Logo Design Packages Explained

Ok so you have found a good logo design company and are now ready to place your order. But you are confused, you need only one logo design but there are several logo design packages of different prices to choose from. Even the most basic package is good enough for you but you want to understand what is the difference.

Logo Design Concepts

When the packages mention logo design concepts they mean that you will get more than just one logo design concept for your logo. This is very helpful as it will give you different ideas for your logo design and you can pick the one that is closer to your business requirements and needs.

Logo design Revisions

After looking at several logo design concepts and handling the agency the one that you like the most. They finish it for you and send it to you for preview. Now if you don’t like something you can send your logo design back to the designer telling them exactly what you would like to see changed. These are called revisions.

With each logo design package you are offered different quantities of logo designs, logo design concepts, and revisions. Even though, the most basic package that would probably have just two revisions and two concepts is fine for most small businesses. But buying the extra revisions and concepts significantly increases the quality of the finished product.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Public Domain Clip Art Images

To some people it might sound like an impossibility but web is so full of stuff with no copyright restrictions. Web is also full of ideas that you can copy, modify and build upon with all the legal rights and no copyright infringement. For graphic designers, logo design and web design professionals there are some online collections that are not only free but also offer graphics in public domain. 

OpenClipArt is one such project. This project aims to create an archive of clip art that can be used for free for any use. The usage of the name is to convey connection to Open Source software and culture. Also, the word conveys the concept of the project lowering barriers for participation for submission of artwork, development on the project, use of the site and use of the clip art stored. 

How logo design artists can use these illustrations?
Since all these illustrations and graphics are in public domain, logo design artists can download them and modify them to reuse in their own project. The best part is that most of these images are available in SVG format which means you have the actual source of work on which to build upon your own designs.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Things To Remember - When Using Free Art for Logo Design

Clip Art Christy-1

A logo is an important aspect of brand building, business identity and the corporate image. That is why it is always recommended that you hire a professional logo design company so that you can get a unique logo design with all legal rights to use it whatever way you like.

Still there are many small businesses that try to use their own skills to create a logo design for their business. It is all right to do that if you think you have enough skills, right software and creative juices to come up with a wonderful logo design by yourself. However, it is still highly recommended that you hire a professional logo designer to do the job. In fact many graphic designers hire other designers to create logo designs for their businesses.

Using free art like images and clip art from free resources on the internet is usually what people use when they are creating their own free logo designs. Even though it might be mentioned on these websites that you are free to use these images in your logo design. You are still not free to use them as your business identity or trademark. There are always some hidden complexities with these free images on the web. Make sure that you read the terms of usage before actually using any such image in your logo design.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Some Thoughts on Web Design for Small Businesses

Web Design in a Nutshell, 3rd Edition

Web is a totally different form of media. Your website design needs to provide information to people, that’s what websites do. If your website does not provide information to people than consider it a failure. Review the contents of your website and ask yourself is there anything I can add to provide more information about the business on the website. If there is something then add it on your website.

Search Engines love content, so make sure your website is regularly updated with fresh content. Your content should be keyword rich. Keywords are the words or phrases people might use on search engines to find information.

You should make it easier for your visitors to bookmark and share your website on their social networks. A social media enabled website has widgets that enable a visitor to share the content on their social networks.

To make your website more popular it is important that you take full advantage of the opportunities that social media provides to marketers and small businesses. Make profiles for your business on a selective few social media websites and actively socialize with your existing and potential customers and groups that are relevant to your business.

Following these simples tips you can easily make your website a successful website. It is not necessary to have millions of page views. As a small business if you get enough business from your website and it is mentioned on online communities with positive comments then you should consider your website a hit among web users.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Discussing your Logo Design Needs with your Designer

Logo design plays a very important part in a small business or an organization’s brand identity and marketing strategies. Yet, still some prefer to go for it in a rush to get their logo designs as soon as possible. However, not realizing the importance of a properly designed logo may even cause some adverse affects on your overall brand identity and marketing plans.

Effective communication between you and your logo design company is necessary to ensure that you get a high quality, custom made and perfectly suitable logo design. These things help your logo design company to understand your business, its functions, goals, target audiences, targeted clientele and market, and your business values. These answers help shape an image that would perfectly fit your needs and would effectively describe your business just the way you wanted it.

Even though your business is quite easy to understand, still you need to discuss it to lengths with your logo designer. You need to tell them what kind of business you have, what kind of services and products you sell. How it is managed and your designer may come up with some questions of their own. Answer them as briefly as you possibly can. If you have some documents business plans, manuals or something that you are comfortable sharing with strangers, then it would be best that you share these documents as well.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Logo Design Inspiration

How do logo design artists inspire themselves to come up with unique ideas?

Honestly, no logo designer can give you an exact answer to this question. They might tell you that the business they are working with inspires them the most, or that they are inspired by the work of some particular graphic design artist, or that they get their logo design inspiration from every day lives. But, actually thats not the case. When a logo design project begins, the artist is totally clueless about how he is going to finish that project.

They research about the business, the company, the people behind it and its customer base. During this time anything can inspire them. For example a business that sells sewing machine, when creating a logo design for them an artist can get the inspiration not from the business but its customers and the values of it's customers. He can come up with an idea that shows women stitching and repairing clothes or a grandma on the sewing machine.

looking at the logos of the similar businesses can also help but it can also block the creativity and uniqueness as a designer might start thinking in the pattern that is already been used many times before.

An artist can also come up with ideas that are actually based on his own thoughts, or the latest trends, or something that he saw somewhere.

The key is to keep the mind and eyes open. Instead of sticking to the stereotypes it is wise and sometimes very fun to break those stereotypes and create something that is amazingly unique and eye catchy

Free Logo Design Resource


This is our new weblog about free logo design. No we do not offer you free logo design services nor we recommend that. Why?

Because, we believe that a logo design is a very important thing. Using a cheap logo design can destroy your marketing efforts and eventually your business. Yes, these tiny images are really that powerful.

So what we are doing here?

We are here to share with you the design resources. Like links to articles that help you better understand the concepts of design in marketing, advertising and businesses. We will also link you to resources such as clip art, logo design websites, logo design companies, and other stuff related to the art of vector graphics. Suggestions are more than appreciated please use the comment box to send your thoughts or links.