Monday, February 8, 2010

Logo Design Inspiration

How do logo design artists inspire themselves to come up with unique ideas?

Honestly, no logo designer can give you an exact answer to this question. They might tell you that the business they are working with inspires them the most, or that they are inspired by the work of some particular graphic design artist, or that they get their logo design inspiration from every day lives. But, actually thats not the case. When a logo design project begins, the artist is totally clueless about how he is going to finish that project.

They research about the business, the company, the people behind it and its customer base. During this time anything can inspire them. For example a business that sells sewing machine, when creating a logo design for them an artist can get the inspiration not from the business but its customers and the values of it's customers. He can come up with an idea that shows women stitching and repairing clothes or a grandma on the sewing machine.

looking at the logos of the similar businesses can also help but it can also block the creativity and uniqueness as a designer might start thinking in the pattern that is already been used many times before.

An artist can also come up with ideas that are actually based on his own thoughts, or the latest trends, or something that he saw somewhere.

The key is to keep the mind and eyes open. Instead of sticking to the stereotypes it is wise and sometimes very fun to break those stereotypes and create something that is amazingly unique and eye catchy

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